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Life is a series of events - cherished memories to last a lifetime.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What is Forever Love?

I've heard the words, "Forever Love" many times and have also heard many 'nah-sayers' stating that it doesn't exist. I, for one, believe that it does exist. I have watched my two children fall in love and continue to see the gleem in their eyes and actions. I hope it lasts forever. 
I've also been married to the same man for several decades and even though we've had the occasional argument, we're still in love. I can't see myself being with anyone else.
How about you? Do you believe in forever love?

In my humble opinion, the answer to my question is in the heart-warming finale of the movie "Notebook." It tugs at the heart and brings tears to your eyes.

"Notebook" is a story about a man and a woman from different backgrounds, with individual problems - but, there's one thread that connects them together throughout the years and that's - 
'Forever Love.'

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